"An interior world to discover"

"An interior world to discover"
"An interior world to discover" Un món interior per descobrir "Un mundo interior por descobrir" mixed media, 73x100cm, march2014

martes, 4 de octubre de 2011

Om Project: Human walking towards it's being

Nowadays we must know how to simply be beings before we can get to know how to be humans. This way we can gain complete conscience of what we really are. And that's why my project is titled human walking towards it's being. If the mountain doesn't go to Mahoma, Mahoma goes to the mountain. If Gallery doesn't go to Om the artist, Om goes to Gallery...It's your turn or it's your move or it's your time!
Om Barbarà

1 comentario:

Unknown dijo...

"A la Humanitat actual hauríem de saber ser simplement Éssers abans que Humans per obtenir la consciència completa del que som en realitat: Éssers Humans. Per això el meu projecte es titula: "Humà caminant cap al seu ser". Intento que la meva obra evolucioni envers la metafísica, la poesia reflexiva i l'espiritualitat continguda a través dels colors vius i la pròpia imaginació."